Sunday, March 29, 2009

It's A BOY!

Maxwell Owen "Max" was born on Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 1:48 pm. He weighed 8 lbs. 4 oz. and was 20.5 inches long.
Birth Story:
I went in Friday, March 6 to be induced. I was given the gel and just sat in bed for 12 hours. It was definitely nice to play board games w/ Paul and visit with Kaylene when I was forced to just sit there.
Saturday I woke up and was still 1 cm. They started pitocin at 8:45 am. The contractions started to get a bit painful around 11 am. By then, I was only a 3 even though they were sooo painful! It was much more painful than I remember w/ Hannah. The epidural was taking too long but it finally got there and it was soooo nice! Shortly after I got to a 5 cm and Paul left to get some lunch. The way I had been progressing before then made it seem like he had more time. By the time he ran down to get food and came back upstairs to start eating I was fully dilated and ready to push. Unfortunately the dr. wasn't ready for me to push and the nurse had to yell at her to hurry up and get ready. She made me breathe through 2 contractions even though I wanted to push soooo badly! I wanted to yell FORGET THE BOOTIES, just get over here! I took a deep breath in like I was supposed to push and she told me to stop, he was 1/2 out. I took another deep breath and just had to let it out again since he was all the way out. The labor was 5 hrs. and 3 minutes long and no pushing! It was a miracle labor!
Max is of course perfect. He's such a great baby. Very easy to please and happy. He smiles a lot! Hannah is adjusting very well. She loves her little brother and makes sure he's content all the time.
Hannah's doing wonderfully too. She loves to sing songs and read books.

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